probable koz: peelin
probable koz: in or out
probable koz: work it
probable koz: close to death
probable koz: black berries (not that kind)
probable koz: external
probable koz: after the fire
probable koz: with two good eyes
probable koz: sun and dead hair
probable koz: hallway filled with ghosts
probable koz: sun fades
probable koz: shyguy
probable koz: proof of a ghost
probable koz: i had to hold it
probable koz: hall of fame
probable koz: before the spring
probable koz: reading is fun
probable koz: reading is fun
probable koz: nighty night
probable koz: rusty paint
probable koz: hey gurl
probable koz: how'd that boat get here?
probable koz: enter at yr own risk
probable koz: what's down in that hole?