Pro Photo Photography: Road trip to Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Road trip to Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Road trip to Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Road trip to Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Road trip to Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Here's your sign...
Pro Photo Photography: Buck Owens Crystal Palace
Pro Photo Photography: One of those vicious Pit Bulls
Pro Photo Photography: One of those vicious Pit Bulls
Pro Photo Photography: Campbell Station
Pro Photo Photography: Pooped out after a LONG day....
Pro Photo Photography: Edith Morley Park in Campbell CA
Pro Photo Photography: Cowl and fenders on top of a shipping container!
Pro Photo Photography: Chillin on me footrest
Pro Photo Photography: My boys on The Los Gatos Creek Trail
Pro Photo Photography: One of my company vehicles on Hwy 85
Pro Photo Photography: Rosedale, CA
Pro Photo Photography: Rosedale, CA
Pro Photo Photography: Welcome to.....
Pro Photo Photography: Buck Owens Crystal Palace
Pro Photo Photography: Laundry in Bakersfield
Pro Photo Photography: Smiths Donuts in Bakersfield