Terry McDonald - www.luxborealis.com:
Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Pegasus and the Milky Way over Cyprus Lake
B. R. Murphy:
Lighthouse near St. Peter's Harbour PEI Canada
B. R. Murphy:
Lighthouse near St. Peter's Harbour PEI Canada
B. R. Murphy:
Niagara Falls Instagram!
Terry McDonald - www.luxborealis.com:
Onlooker, Webster's Falls
B. R. Murphy:
Lake George (Killarney Provincial Park)
B. R. Murphy:
Willem van Leuveren sr.:
Jasmund National Parc Rugen
Willem van Leuveren sr.:
Jasmund National Parc Rugen
Camillo Berenos:
Dun and Ruaival
Terry McDonald - www.luxborealis.com:
Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa)
B. R. Murphy:
Lake of Bay's Exposure