pictographic: Happy Diwali!
pictographic: Deviation
pictographic: I've a love-hate relationship with you!
pictographic: Week 12 - Portrait of an Apple
pictographic: Week 11 - #STAR!
pictographic: Yumberries!
pictographic: Week 7 - #Sunny Sunday Afternoon
pictographic: Musical Bokeh
pictographic: Week 4 - #Light
pictographic: # Week 2 | Good Morning!
pictographic: Morning paper
pictographic: Vacation anyone?
pictographic: Thy palm is my universe
pictographic: All ready to go! beep.. beep.. #Week 1
pictographic: Momento
pictographic: Color is the Spice of our Plain White Life!
pictographic: Red Hot Spice!
pictographic: Relish it with your eyes!
pictographic: 3 of Diamond
pictographic: Earring
pictographic: Earring
pictographic: Earring
pictographic: Pendant
pictographic: Bangles