armed with aesthetics:
amalgamated meats!
armed with aesthetics:
A thermos AND a cooking pot?! :0
armed with aesthetics:
hoy hoy indeed!
armed with aesthetics:
he protects horseradish-flavored snacks.
armed with aesthetics:
awesome noodle packaging.
armed with aesthetics:
mighty ramen!
armed with aesthetics:
Kentucky Wonder Style!
armed with aesthetics:
armed with aesthetics:
smooch lions!
armed with aesthetics:
so this is what they eat...
armed with aesthetics:
sasquatch jerky
armed with aesthetics:
armed with aesthetics:
local soda + pepe's = :)
armed with aesthetics:
Essex St. market
armed with aesthetics:
teas and tins
armed with aesthetics:
la colombe coffee shop
armed with aesthetics:
I'm digging Yeya's glasses and overall look.