private.benjamin: Along the eastern part of GRR
private.benjamin: Cockburn Range
private.benjamin: Met a guy travelling with camels
private.benjamin: Met a guy travelling with camels
private.benjamin: Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Family picnic on the croc infested Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Just before crossing the Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Watching a car crossing the Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Katy driving across the Pentecost River (low quality vid)
private.benjamin: Katy driving across the Pentecost River (high quality vid)
private.benjamin: Pentecost River
private.benjamin: Just crossed the Pentecost
private.benjamin: Cockburn Range
private.benjamin: Cockburn Range from Home Valley Station
private.benjamin: Sun setting over Cockburn Range
private.benjamin: Sun setting over Cockburn Range
private.benjamin: Sun setting over Cockburn Range
private.benjamin: Finch nests at Home Valley Station
private.benjamin: Walking along gorge at Home Valley Station
private.benjamin: Home Valley Station
private.benjamin: Camping at Mount Elizabeth Station
private.benjamin: Mount Elizabeth Station
private.benjamin: Wallabies at Mout Elizabeth Station
private.benjamin: Galvans gorge
private.benjamin: The dusty GRR
private.benjamin: Imintji store - nice kangaroo pies apparently
private.benjamin: Covered in camomile lotion to help the sun burn
private.benjamin: Bell Gorge