Orphan Elliott: The Lonesome Trio
Orphan Elliott: Speak Softly
Orphan Elliott: Dolphin Wall
Orphan Elliott: your eyes were never there
Orphan Elliott: I made this town
Orphan Elliott: you don't scare me
Orphan Elliott: DOS Show
Orphan Elliott: This Book Is An Adventure!
Orphan Elliott: Oceanic Flight 815
Orphan Elliott: DOLPHIN!
Orphan Elliott: DEATH OF THE D.O.S. (line)
Orphan Elliott: Death Of The D.O.S. (part two)
Orphan Elliott: buttons baby, bear!
Orphan Elliott: buttons baby, dolphin!
Orphan Elliott: buttons baby, lion!
Orphan Elliott: happy valen-times!
Orphan Elliott: Star Wars
Orphan Elliott: keep it down
Orphan Elliott: The Revival House - Film Club