Priscilla van Andel: 319A6006 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A5954 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A5982 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A5969 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A6057 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A5951 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A6065 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A5995 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A6047 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: 319A6001 Mantis of the Empusa genus in the Algarve
Priscilla van Andel: PVA_6150W Tiniest praying Mantis I ever seen (Sinharaja)
Priscilla van Andel: PVA_5599W Praying Mantis, Sinharaja
Priscilla van Andel: PVA_5616W Praying Mantis, Sinharaja
Priscilla van Andel: PVA_5706W 'Jungle Mantis', Iridopteryginae Hapalopeza sp. Sinharaja
Priscilla van Andel: 319A2015W Indian bark Mantis? Humbertiella sp., Western Ghats, India
Priscilla van Andel: 319A2027W Indian bark Mantis? Humbertiella sp., Western Ghats, India
Priscilla van Andel: 9J5A1187W Nilomantis floweri, Dubai