P Ouverney: Wishing all of you had a wonderful Christmas Eve!
P Ouverney: Portraiture Composition Workshop
P Ouverney: Portraiture Composition Workshop
P Ouverney: Nancy
P Ouverney: No, it's not Uma Thurman...
P Ouverney: Jessika
P Ouverney: Beautiful Jessika
P Ouverney: Jessika
P Ouverney: Nancy
P Ouverney: Nancy
P Ouverney: new foot
P Ouverney: Christian - 9 days of life!
P Ouverney: IMGP5522
P Ouverney: Liltle Christian
P Ouverney: Engagement session - Barbara and Dirk
P Ouverney: Engagement - Babara & Dirk
P Ouverney: Louise
P Ouverney: Little Louise
P Ouverney: Britney
P Ouverney: Alessia
P Ouverney: My Amanda