print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Superman, Hero and Hero 12
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: The Cleaner, Hero and Hero 1
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: I Vendicatori, Hero and Hero 19
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, Hero and Hero 6
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Sleeper, Beauty and Hero 11
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Evered, Beauty and Hero 20
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Teen-Age Brides, Beauty and Hero 34
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Un Seduisant Ravisseur, Beauty and Hero 122
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Esquire, Beauty and Beast 25
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Oriental Stories, Beauty and Beast 85
print.magazine: Evolution, July 2008: Gone with the Windbags, Beauty and Hero 23