PrincessPeach: Mesclun sprouts are growing quickly. Can't wait to eat them.
PrincessPeach: Container Garden
PrincessPeach: Container Garden
PrincessPeach: Container Garden
PrincessPeach: Container Garden
PrincessPeach: Container Garden
PrincessPeach: Edamame Seedlings
PrincessPeach: Chive Seedlings
PrincessPeach: Whoa. Look at me edamame grow! A third seedling is coming in too. Might need to transplant one soon. Anyone want one?
PrincessPeach: My edamame plant finally sprouted! Now, to keep 2 sprouts or just one?
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: landscaping
PrincessPeach: landscaping
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: Landscaping Progress
PrincessPeach: Late Summer Veggie Garden
PrincessPeach: Late Summer Veggie Garden
PrincessPeach: Late Summer Veggie Garden