Prince Bart: This don't look like Mexico...
Prince Bart: Nag, nag, nag... So when she got on the flight to Costa Rica, I got on the flight to SFO...
Prince Bart: It's the last time I use Trans-Mexico Airways...
Prince Bart: This is San Francisco. Maybe these berries are laced...
Prince Bart: Rare find, Sapsucker hybrid...
Prince Bart: Rare find, Sapsucker hybrid...
Prince Bart: Rare find, Sapsucker hybrid...
Prince Bart: Rare find, Sapsucker hybrid...
Prince Bart: So much sap, so little time...
Prince Bart: This is a 4 Star Sapsucker restaurant...
Prince Bart: I'm gonna start charging modeling fees!
Prince Bart: Sluuuurp...
Prince Bart: Maybe I just ran into a newly painted orange house...
Prince Bart: Did the Giants paint the Park?
Prince Bart: New species: Prince Bart's California Orange-crowned Towhee...
Prince Bart: OK, seniors, spread your wings... I mean arms...
Prince Bart: Charlie, you always know the best restaurants...
Prince Bart: 100% California Sap...
Prince Bart: You know I'm acrophobic...
Prince Bart: Acrophobia does not mean I'm afraid of acrobats...
Prince Bart: Birding at the Zoo...
Prince Bart: Birding at the Zoo...
Prince Bart: Birding at the Zoo...
Prince Bart: I'm the Lock Ness Monster... Well, I could be!