Prince Bart: Clark's Grebe...
Prince Bart: You followin' me?
Prince Bart: Eared Grebe
Prince Bart: Clark's grebe...
Prince Bart: Pied-billed grebe
Prince Bart: Pied-billed grebe
Prince Bart: It's almost Spring... Where are the ladies?
Prince Bart: Full speed ahead...
Prince Bart: I've been divin' for lunch...
Prince Bart: I'll give you the regular tour...
Prince Bart: Aliens! The aliens are coming!
Prince Bart: I'm out of here...
Prince Bart: Flight 27, please proceed to Runway Four-Niner...
Prince Bart: We're here for Spring Break...
Prince Bart: Western grebe...
Prince Bart: Clark's grebe
Prince Bart: Mirror, mirror...
Prince Bart: I'm outta here! No time to talk...
Prince Bart: Flt 32 taking off on runway 7-niner...
Prince Bart: My summer home is near Calgary...
Prince Bart: It's almost Spring... We'd like to be alone...
Prince Bart: They're fighting over me!!!
Prince Bart: Dive! Dive! Dive!
Prince Bart: ***CENSORED***
Prince Bart: Clark's grebe...
Prince Bart: Are you sure I'm headed East?
Prince Bart: You think this is fun! You try laying a dozen eggs!
Prince Bart: I gotta reinforce the nest...
Prince Bart: Nesting...
Prince Bart: Gotta make the nest strong...