Prince Bart: Flower porn...
Prince Bart: Mother Nature's best...
Prince Bart: American Coot
Prince Bart: Bamboo grove
Prince Bart: Scrub Jay
Prince Bart: Australian bells...
Prince Bart: The old ladies give us this bread...
Prince Bart: Enough of this bread, I want nuts!
Prince Bart: Chomp, chomp, chomp, go away, chomp
Prince Bart: You're in my territory, Pardner...
Prince Bart: Symphony of pink...
Prince Bart: Yes, I'm cute. Now feed me.
Prince Bart: Crabapple tree...
Prince Bart: Open up...
Prince Bart: Trumpets...
Prince Bart: Cactus wheel...
Prince Bart: Soapbox squirrel
Prince Bart: Gi'me nuts! I won't tell...
Prince Bart: I don't see no stinkin' sign!
Prince Bart: Run! Here come the park rangers!
Prince Bart: Mmmmm.... fillllberrrts!
Prince Bart: Flower...
Prince Bart: Pink columbine...
Prince Bart: Little white bells...
Prince Bart: Purple flowers...
Prince Bart: Cactus
Prince Bart: Cactus wheel...
Prince Bart: Fishing...
Prince Bart: Great Blue Heron...