professionalwannabe: my fav ever 2200s passenger service shot
professionalwannabe: coldest day of the 2007-08 winter
professionalwannabe: another look from the walkway connecting the station and the airport
professionalwannabe: former 55th/Garfield Green Line station house
professionalwannabe: southern blizzard, Athens, GA
professionalwannabe: no weather for 2 pina coladas
professionalwannabe: forget lounging....
professionalwannabe: snowed over back stairs
professionalwannabe: an unfamiliar snow sight
professionalwannabe: as passable as it gets
professionalwannabe: snowman, ice, and Gators
professionalwannabe: the route less traveled
professionalwannabe: icey driving hell
professionalwannabe: iced beyond any drivability
professionalwannabe: not so enticing pool
professionalwannabe: tranquil and cold playground
professionalwannabe: snowed over palm trees
professionalwannabe: snowy carved cliff
professionalwannabe: mountain house paradise
professionalwannabe: Moccasin Bend curve
professionalwannabe: rest area snowman
professionalwannabe: fishing on the Nickajack Lake
professionalwannabe: Dixie Hwy(a la Ventura Highway)
professionalwannabe: competing in more than just football
professionalwannabe: entering the mountain
professionalwannabe: icicle rock
professionalwannabe: rear view icicles
professionalwannabe: almost at the summit
professionalwannabe: ex-Holiday Inn & WaHo combo
professionalwannabe: falling rock fence