PhilipNotPhil: More experimenting with exposure times. Today it's cloudy and overcast so a 2 minute exposure. #nolens #pinhole #pinholecamera #pinholephotography
PhilipNotPhil: monkeypuzzle
PhilipNotPhil: Frost on the car window this morning when it was -3C. #frosty #winter #subzero
PhilipNotPhil: The_Lane_1
PhilipNotPhil: I built myself a new pinhole camera over the last couple of days, my other one isn't 100% light-proof. I'm also trying out different photographic paper, it's a bit quicker, ISO640 instead of ISO6 so it's a bit more tricky. This one came out ok, the phone
PhilipNotPhil: church_1
PhilipNotPhil: Pinhole camera shot of the church in the village. 25 second exposure in bright sunlight. #pinhole #pinholecamera #pinholephotography
PhilipNotPhil: Pinhole #selfie. I'm pretty pleased with this one. Managed to develope it without spilling this time. The reason you can see bricks through me is I exposed the film for 90 seconds then stepped into the frame while exposing the film for another 90 seconds.
PhilipNotPhil: So that 6 minute exposure should probably have been a 5 minute exposure #pinhole #pinholecamera #pinholephotography #overexposed
PhilipNotPhil: Back to basics pinhole camera doing a 6 minute exposure. #pinhole #pinholecamera #pinholephotography