Pretty Sparkly Things: Adam Pascal, live in concert!
Pretty Sparkly Things: Adam Pascal, live in concert!
Pretty Sparkly Things: Singing "Glory"
Pretty Sparkly Things: Singing "Glory"
Pretty Sparkly Things: Shake-y eggs
Pretty Sparkly Things: Adam close-up
Pretty Sparkly Things: Lovely, purple-y Adam
Pretty Sparkly Things: Jazz piano version of WSS's "Maria"
Pretty Sparkly Things: "Maybe This Time" from Cabaret
Pretty Sparkly Things: Reading snarky message-board post about him
Pretty Sparkly Things: Acoustic Adam
Pretty Sparkly Things: Looks like he's wearin' a cape!
Pretty Sparkly Things: "The fuzz! Let's beat it!"
Pretty Sparkly Things: The paddy wagon
Pretty Sparkly Things: Stuck in an intersection in the middle of critical mass.
Pretty Sparkly Things: Critical mass on the way to see Adam
Pretty Sparkly Things: Adam and Larry the piano guy
Pretty Sparkly Things: Possibly the greatest photo ever taken.
Pretty Sparkly Things: Adam, Saturday night
Pretty Sparkly Things: "And then no need to endure anymore..."
Pretty Sparkly Things: "GLOOOOOOOOOOry!"