pretendingsanity: There's no better way to welcome in the new year than with my house full of people. #<3
pretendingsanity: We are nothing if not traditional! @hoptocopter @joshhudnall @carringtonschaeffer @rrhicks @mooreminutes @teachmedaily @bwayne19
pretendingsanity: Handmade maple cutting boards #sandingforever
pretendingsanity: This year's handmade gifts were a joint effort: maple cutting boards and wood butter to keep them in good shape. #sandingforever /cc@joshhudnall
pretendingsanity: Honor and @joshhudnall are in boyhood heaven. #bestgiftfora10yearold
pretendingsanity: Mittens! #foxlove #stockingstuffer
pretendingsanity: Written with my new, shiny Wacom tablet!
pretendingsanity: Handknit stockings don't hold their shape very well when stuffed to the gills.
pretendingsanity: I have the best Christmas jammies. #foxlove
pretendingsanity: "Stockings" for @carringtonschaeffer @hoptocopter and Elliott
pretendingsanity: It gets better every year.
pretendingsanity: It's nice to have a business partner who knits me presents!
pretendingsanity: Ironic nutcracker @anthropologie #love
pretendingsanity: Pecan brittle is a billion times better than peanut brittle.
pretendingsanity: Love having a real tree
pretendingsanity: Two giant ikea bags full of cotton candy for Amy's epic party. Have I mentioned I have my own cotton candy machine??
pretendingsanity: New toy at Tangle.
pretendingsanity: So basically I designed the world's largest Christmas cards (book for size)
pretendingsanity: Those teeth
pretendingsanity: We've discovered the secret to no-wait at Snooze. Come on a Monday at 8am.
pretendingsanity: My dreams for @downtowngj
pretendingsanity: LoDo —> LoHi
pretendingsanity: Sweaters delivered to the twinzies.
pretendingsanity: Wrapping presents for my Tangle teachers. Can't believe I have 18 of them!
pretendingsanity: I think it's about time I make one for me!