presta: off we go, a bit out of focus
presta: it's june 23, i'm in glendora
presta: the girls, triumphant
presta: butts
presta: the wall
presta: street games
presta: silly kids
presta: shooting this shoot out
presta: tommy
presta: cilantro at every table, a dream come true
presta: the taco stand
presta: cup o' vegetables
presta: silly fainer
presta: stucco fight
presta: thompson
presta: big sky
presta: cammypoo
presta: we're a cute crew
presta: wash boys
presta: breakie
presta: erin
presta: jen
presta: chatting up
presta: laura
presta: grillpa
presta: best mexican food ever
presta: this is for you
presta: chargerettes lessons
presta: packing up
presta: we buy soda