Premshree Pillai: Shipping Offsite
Premshree Pillai: Shipping Offsite
Premshree Pillai: Shipping Offsite
Premshree Pillai: beets beets beets
Premshree Pillai: Rooftop dinner and drinks at the Gallow Green on a cold evening
Premshree Pillai: Triona vs. Jonny
Premshree Pillai: Calia vs. Jonny
Premshree Pillai: Bratwurst and greens for breakfast
Premshree Pillai: Shipping Offsite, Day 2
Premshree Pillai: Jonny is tired from the previous night's arm wrestling
Premshree Pillai: Pretending to be shops
Premshree Pillai: Fulfilling orders
Premshree Pillai: Order fulfillment chaos
Premshree Pillai: Labels!
Premshree Pillai: Work in Real Life
Premshree Pillai: Mike and Calia handling orders...
Premshree Pillai: Packages ready to be shipped!