Pickersgill Reef: Parkrun #107
Pickersgill Reef: Summit of Blencathra
Pickersgill Reef: Martin and Sharp Edge
Pickersgill Reef: Approaching Scale Tarn
Pickersgill Reef: Meeting up with John again
Pickersgill Reef: Little Mell Fell
Pickersgill Reef: Gowbarrow Fell
Pickersgill Reef: White Settlers at the Tyneside Cinema with Adam
Pickersgill Reef: Catherine with the meercats
Pickersgill Reef: After the water flume
Pickersgill Reef: Kate Rusby
Pickersgill Reef: London for PSC Leads meeting
Pickersgill Reef: Slipstones selfie
Pickersgill Reef: Peel Crag selfie
Pickersgill Reef: Tony waiting to follow Martin up Sunset at Peel Crag
Pickersgill Reef: Loft Crag alsp (with Pike of Stickle behind)
Pickersgill Reef: At the start of Jack's Rake on Pavey Ark
Pickersgill Reef: Y&Y belay glasses
Pickersgill Reef: The Ferens Art Gallery
Pickersgill Reef: With our Sport Relief medals
Pickersgill Reef: James was second in the Sport Relief mile
Pickersgill Reef: 10 minutes to start time for our Sport Relief mile
Pickersgill Reef: About to go to South Park for our Sport Relief mile
Pickersgill Reef: The Buck Inn at Chop Gate alsp
Pickersgill Reef: Cringle Moor with Martin alsp
Pickersgill Reef: Just popped in to give some tips.
Pickersgill Reef: Roseberry Topping alsp
Pickersgill Reef: Captain Cook's monument alsp
Pickersgill Reef: Escape through the forest
Pickersgill Reef: Brief stop on the trail