Pickersgill Reef:
Fleet Street with St Paul's
Pickersgill Reef:
St Paul's Cathedral
Pickersgill Reef:
St Paul's Cathedral
Pickersgill Reef:
match about to start
Pickersgill Reef:
Red Screes wave alsp
Pickersgill Reef:
Dove crag wave alsp
Pickersgill Reef:
setting off up Dovedale to Dove Crag
Pickersgill Reef:
The Producers
Pickersgill Reef:
back at the Pen-y-Ghent cafe
Pickersgill Reef:
Ingleborough summit
Pickersgill Reef:
Whernside summit
Pickersgill Reef:
the Bleamoor Tunnel
Pickersgill Reef:
Pickersgill Reef:
crossing Ling Beck at Nether Lodge
Pickersgill Reef:
Pen-y-Ghent summit
Pickersgill Reef:
setting off from the Pen-y-Ghent Cafe
Pickersgill Reef:
Harry Potter alsp
Pickersgill Reef:
Baltic Turner Prize alsp
Pickersgill Reef:
tunnel through the trees
Pickersgill Reef:
looking back up Grisedale
Pickersgill Reef:
at the shelter on Helvellyn
Pickersgill Reef:
taking shelter on top of Helvellyn
Pickersgill Reef:
Becoming a Quaker
Pickersgill Reef:
Pickersgill Reef:
Pickersgill Reef:
playing with the new CameraBag app
Pickersgill Reef:
Catherine's CameraBag picture of Debra
Pickersgill Reef:
1962 pool
Pickersgill Reef:
field portrait
Pickersgill Reef:
walk near Staindrop