Pickersgill Reef: Frozen Tees
Pickersgill Reef: Frozen Tees under the Infinity Bridge
Pickersgill Reef: Frozen Tees looking towards Stockton
Pickersgill Reef: Frozen Tees looking towards the Tees Barrage
Pickersgill Reef: Frozen Tees under the Infinity bridge
Pickersgill Reef: The Tees completely frozen
Pickersgill Reef: infinity and flat cap
Pickersgill Reef: infinity sun dial
Pickersgill Reef: infinity bridge
Pickersgill Reef: infinity thick and thin
Pickersgill Reef: infinity skies
Pickersgill Reef: North Bank from halfway across the Tees on the Transporter Bridge
Pickersgill Reef: riding the transporter
Pickersgill Reef: student accomodation next to Victoria Bridge
Pickersgill Reef: the new bridge is coming on
Pickersgill Reef: V&A World Beach Project screen grab
Pickersgill Reef: The Beach: The Tees near High Coniscliffe
Pickersgill Reef: The Art Work: Stone Eddy
Pickersgill Reef: The Process: James and Tony
Pickersgill Reef: his bliss stick obviously smells bad
Pickersgill Reef: cheap fly-by
Pickersgill Reef: Arctic Tern
Pickersgill Reef: tern hovering
Pickersgill Reef: a seal fishing by the barrage
Pickersgill Reef: tern flies by at pace
Pickersgill Reef: a young grey heron
Pickersgill Reef: the view from the barrage of the new bridge being constructed
Pickersgill Reef: Plans for the North Shore of the Tees, opposite the Queen's Campus of Durham University
Pickersgill Reef: The new footbridge which will connect the University in Thornaby to Stockton
Pickersgill Reef: Crane with pile driving equipment for the Stiockton end of the bridge