Pickersgill Reef: Kestrel - beautiful plummage but just turned its head away
Pickersgill Reef: Kestrel - going too fast to get in focus
Pickersgill Reef: Eagle Owl flying right in front of the audience
Pickersgill Reef: Eagle Owls are big!
Pickersgill Reef: explaining about the Harris Hawk
Pickersgill Reef: Harris Hawk launching from the fist
Pickersgill Reef: Harris Hawk
Pickersgill Reef: coming into land
Pickersgill Reef: Harris Hawk about to go
Pickersgill Reef: Harris Hawk swooping
Pickersgill Reef: Harris Hawk soaring
Pickersgill Reef: Merlin about to stoop
Pickersgill Reef: Merlin close up
Pickersgill Reef: Merlin getting its reward
Pickersgill Reef: playing with fire
Pickersgill Reef: suites you sir
Pickersgill Reef: no smoking?
Pickersgill Reef: good old-fashioned entertainment
Pickersgill Reef: having a go at abstract
Pickersgill Reef: the tower with displays of arms
Pickersgill Reef: Medieval walkie talkie
Pickersgill Reef: the redeveloped dock
Pickersgill Reef: dockside flats
Pickersgill Reef: fantastic armour and costumes
Pickersgill Reef: Steve Mallett (James made a shield with his heraldry on it so was cheering for him) being introduced
Pickersgill Reef: You must be jesting
Pickersgill Reef: I hadn't realised Medieval Jesters did this trick with Marigolds
Pickersgill Reef: the rules are explained