Pickersgill Reef: DMG Exhibition 2010 in the Northern Echo
Pickersgill Reef: DMG Members' Exhibition press shot
Pickersgill Reef: DMG Members' Exhibition
Pickersgill Reef: DMG members show 2010
Pickersgill Reef: Big Snap
Pickersgill Reef: my first 60x80cm print on the PhotoNORTH printer
Pickersgill Reef: Gallery opening
Pickersgill Reef: Bragging?
Pickersgill Reef: The one I voted for
Pickersgill Reef: Darlington DMG Big Snap exhibition Sat 26th Jan 2008 2pm
Pickersgill Reef: EP and video release
Pickersgill Reef: from the horse's mouth
Pickersgill Reef: Indian fishing
Pickersgill Reef: Indian fishing industry
Pickersgill Reef: Photo North pointers
Pickersgill Reef: Breaking Points: things hot up for 2MU
Pickersgill Reef: drinking on my own again
Pickersgill Reef: opening
Pickersgill Reef: DMG exhibition opening
Pickersgill Reef: pictures and food
Pickersgill Reef: food for thought
Pickersgill Reef: the eleventh hour approaches