Pickersgill Reef: flickrmeet at qb
Pickersgill Reef: hats off to The Rip for the print quality
Pickersgill Reef: What goes, Joe, down Byker way?
Pickersgill Reef: What goes, Joe? (BW)
Pickersgill Reef: What goes, Joe? (solar)
Pickersgill Reef: Picking their favourites
Pickersgill Reef: making a point
Pickersgill Reef: handrails
Pickersgill Reef: I've seen that bloke somewhere before: in Explore I think
Pickersgill Reef: Pip and friends
Pickersgill Reef: drawn to Picasso
Pickersgill Reef: beer, fags, women and wisdom
Pickersgill Reef: mafleen
Pickersgill Reef: trying to beat the reflections
Pickersgill Reef: flickrquivrshoot
Pickersgill Reef: flickr quivr
Pickersgill Reef: I had to climb a ladder to get this for sosij
Pickersgill Reef: a bit rough around the edges
Pickersgill Reef: look what I can do to you
Pickersgill Reef: blood-red tongue quivr
Pickersgill Reef: tongue in jaw
Pickersgill Reef: "I'm behind you"
Pickersgill Reef: platform
Pickersgill Reef: one of my more flattering portraits of Topsy
Pickersgill Reef: quivr fit right in at The Cumberland Arms
Pickersgill Reef: Dusk in Byker
Pickersgill Reef: hopelessly blurred but kept for the dusk colours
Pickersgill Reef: Byker Link