predmet: hello and wellcome to polina's place!
predmet: соседи
predmet: where is it
predmet: гадики
predmet: hold on
predmet: блинная какая-то
predmet: nok nok? (not sure)
predmet: a house
predmet: good breakfast place | cash only
predmet: if the earthquake starts they all fall on your head
predmet: it was raining all day
predmet: diego rivera
predmet: baby is in the middle
predmet: wtf и причем тут горшочки.
predmet: "кошмар томека"
predmet: DSC02705
predmet: DSC02707
predmet: очень страшно.
predmet: the coolest sculpture ever seen on street)
predmet: DSC02721
predmet: u ani
predmet: sisters
predmet: me och Fredrik
predmet: the dining
predmet: IMGP1632