[P.A.M.]: The shadow of my ring
[P.A.M.]: Two hearts in one ring
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0205
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0206
[P.A.M.]: D6/365 candle in a row
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0209
[P.A.M.]: "The shadow of a ring"
[P.A.M.]: Candle light + book + ring = Heart
[P.A.M.]: Forever in my heart
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0218
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0238
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0239
[P.A.M.]: D9/365 Candle in the cave
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0530
[P.A.M.]: D19/365 candle in the dark
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0510
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0516
[P.A.M.]: D22/365 Light & shadow
[P.A.M.]: IMG_0518
[P.A.M.]: Two hearts beat as one
[P.A.M.]: Valentine collage
[P.A.M.]: B & W
[P.A.M.]: D50/365 by accident
[P.A.M.]: Street lights
[P.A.M.]: D51/365 Morning Silhouette
[P.A.M.]: D67/365 Ghent by night
[P.A.M.]: D77/365 Pink lamp
[P.A.M.]: D346/365 On the 12th day of (before) christmas...
[P.A.M.]: D361/365 Golden Lava