Precious Roy:
My last appearance as an undergrad.
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
dinner with friends
Precious Roy:
New Camera Thursday
Precious Roy:
New Camera Thursday
Precious Roy:
@ Whittier School
Precious Roy:
capital barber shop
Precious Roy:
ice sculpture: side view
Precious Roy:
Precious Roy:
sister's new apartment's front door
Precious Roy:
camel towing
Precious Roy:
slushy but happy
Precious Roy:
play baby play
Precious Roy:
the Popular tree
Precious Roy:
On Squirrel Patrol
Precious Roy:
downtown store display
Precious Roy:
company party @ the Wilma Parkside
Precious Roy:
this, kids, is an inversion
Precious Roy:
making xmas gifts
Precious Roy:
dr. stewart's office
Precious Roy:
sunrise from the third floor
Precious Roy:
I love getting cool shit in the mail.
Precious Roy:
Everyone else is evolving.
Precious Roy:
Lost and Found