prayerfriends: Hawk in flight.
prayerfriends: Fly away free, my hawk friend
prayerfriends: What are you looking at?
prayerfriends: Hawk on a high wire
prayerfriends: Ostrich, emu, or who?
prayerfriends: Staying Close To Mama
prayerfriends: A Fight Or Is It Flight?
prayerfriends: out in the sky
prayerfriends: I am hungry
prayerfriends: Mr. Majestic Hawk, to you.
prayerfriends: Hey Friends, It's Blue Monday, and you've helped me to fly!
prayerfriends: My, What BIG eyes you have!
prayerfriends: Darling Ducklings, resting so sweet, may you always know goodness with plenty to eat.
prayerfriends: Hiding in a tree
prayerfriends: Wilderness Robin
prayerfriends: For Paulette
prayerfriends: Thank You, Isolino
prayerfriends: Happy Blue Monday Everyone, Don't Let It Ruffle Your Feathers
prayerfriends: Being Grumpy, Is Not The Way To Start Your Week!
prayerfriends: Ready to Fly
prayerfriends: The Partridge Family?
prayerfriends: Is This a Mating Call?
prayerfriends: And Just Who Do You Think YOU Are?
prayerfriends: The Mating Hawks....
prayerfriends: Are you Looking at Me?
prayerfriends: Flying Home
prayerfriends: Did You Get Your Shot?
prayerfriends: Tiny but Mighty
prayerfriends: Why Are You Running Away?
prayerfriends: Two are Better than One