pratikpatelcs: Jordan spots a spider
pratikpatelcs: Jordan trying to survive Titanic
pratikpatelcs: Jordan & Nihir aren't impressed by their beverages
pratikpatelcs: Yerusha visits Flickr HQ
pratikpatelcs: Headed home
pratikpatelcs: When the dessert finally arrives
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0627.jpg
pratikpatelcs: P1030431.jpg
pratikpatelcs: Many faces of Jordan
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0584.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0549.jpg
pratikpatelcs: Snow-shoeing on the Aspen mountain
pratikpatelcs: P1030396.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0500.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0495.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0489.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0486.jpg
pratikpatelcs: IMG_0485.jpg
pratikpatelcs: P1030373.jpg
pratikpatelcs: Quick, save Jordan!
pratikpatelcs: Wandering around Denver
pratikpatelcs: Flight delayed
pratikpatelcs: P1010961
pratikpatelcs: P1010959-2
pratikpatelcs: We love cupcakes.