Prath83: The Butterfly Nebula aka IC1318B/C
Prath83: Sh2-170 aka Little Rosette Nebula
Prath83: VdB130 region
Prath83: VdB 130 region in a classic SHO palette
Prath83: IC5070 - The Pelican Nebula
Prath83: Herbig-Haro objects in the Pelican
Prath83: The Cygnus Wall
Prath83: NGC2261 aka Hubble's Variable Nebula
Prath83: W63/G082.2+5.3 - An ancient supernova shell
Prath83: Sh2-119 in SHO (2-panel mosaic)
Prath83: CTB-1 Supernova Remnant
Prath83: HFG1: An old nebula plowing through space!