meshellg: Sticky Rice from Tien Garden Lower East Side NYC
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meshellg: Live From New York's Empire State Building.
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meshellg: Herbed trumpet royale mushrooms, hearts of palm puree, sauteed haricorts verts, hazelnuts, fennel salad and a red wine sauce
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meshellg: Walnut-crusted seitan with sauteed porchini mushrooms, shallots, brussels sprouts, squash puree, mustard -beluga lentil sauce & an apple salad
meshellg: walnut crusted seitan with extra yum
meshellg: Mustard-Ginger Tempeh - sweet potato purée, sautéed trumpet royale mushrooms, brussels sprouts, lentils, brown rice, sunflower seeds, apple salad, cranberry-chipotle coulis
meshellg: Truffled potatoes
meshellg: Vegan Canolli
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meshellg: A view of the lower east side obscenely early in the morning
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meshellg: Cinnamon Sweet Potato knish from Yonnah Schimmels
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