meshellg: Portobello burger food truck
meshellg: Portobello Burger Food sign
meshellg: DSCF9165
meshellg: DSCF9170
meshellg: DSCF9172
meshellg: DSCF9177
meshellg: DSCF9179
meshellg: DSCF9180
meshellg: Memorias
meshellg: Memorias
meshellg: Soon 2011 - Nuit Blanche
meshellg: Soon 2011 - Nuit Blanche
meshellg: Cardiac Combustion Chamber 2011 - Nuit Blanche
meshellg: Chalk is Cheap
meshellg: City Hall
meshellg: City Hall
meshellg: Room of Mystery at the TIFF Bell LightBox
meshellg: Room of Mystery at the TIFF Bell LightBox
meshellg: Tetris Hold'em at Tiff Bell Light Box Nuit Blanche
meshellg: Tetris Hold'em at Tiff Bell Light Box Nuit Blanche
meshellg: Tetris Hold'em at Tiff Bell Light Box Nuit Blanche
meshellg: DSCF9245
meshellg: DSCF9253