Prayudi Hartono: Good Old Days ?
Prayudi Hartono: Street Vendor Trio
Prayudi Hartono: Waiting for Passengers
Prayudi Hartono: The Yellow Walls
Prayudi Hartono: Woman in Orange
Prayudi Hartono: Reflection of Beauty
Prayudi Hartono: Chain of Street Vendors
Prayudi Hartono: Orange Seller
Prayudi Hartono: Street of Hanoi
Prayudi Hartono: Street Market
Prayudi Hartono: Curious Kid
Prayudi Hartono: Blue Boats
Prayudi Hartono: Old Quarter
Prayudi Hartono: Old Woman Riding a Bicycle
Prayudi Hartono: When Colors of Nature Mix...
Prayudi Hartono: Waiting for Customers...
Prayudi Hartono: The End of the Day
Prayudi Hartono: Between The Sellers
Prayudi Hartono: Back to the Past
Prayudi Hartono: Shoe Store
Prayudi Hartono: Old Market
Prayudi Hartono: Light and Life
Prayudi Hartono: Smile of a Fruit Seller
Prayudi Hartono: Talk of Market
Prayudi Hartono: Under the Rain
Prayudi Hartono: Within the Thick Wall
Prayudi Hartono: Princess of the East
Prayudi Hartono: Both Sides of the Street
Prayudi Hartono: Old Woman with Old Boat in the Old Town
Prayudi Hartono: Hoi'an Street Corner