pr1001: @jenneke That being said, I think that for 4 weeks on the road this is pretty good.
pr1001: The only beer made in Paris.
pr1001: Chez Prosper in the sun
pr1001: IMG_1185
pr1001: IMG_1186
pr1001: IMG_1187
pr1001: Fromage frais with rhubarb
pr1001: Street scene
pr1001: IMG_1191
pr1001: IMG_1192
pr1001: IMG_1193
pr1001: IMG_1194
pr1001: IMG_1195
pr1001: IMG_1196
pr1001: IMG_1197
pr1001: IMG_1198
pr1001: IMG_1199
pr1001: Cassoulet
pr1001: UI Fail