pphotoex: SOUNG
pphotoex: SURF FISHING
pphotoex: Wild cats! (佐久島にて)
pphotoex: Concentration
pphotoex: Taking dog for a walk
pphotoex: Swimming happily
pphotoex: rurururu....
pphotoex: Wild cat!
pphotoex: Refrection
pphotoex: Friends
pphotoex: silent and motion(静と動:上野天神祭り)
pphotoex: YAKKO(奴:上野天神祭り)
pphotoex: touch?
pphotoex: Huge battleship
pphotoex: Low gliding
pphotoex: The day daws to a close.
pphotoex: Feeling the sky is so beautiful.(空を感じる)
pphotoex: 冬のコブ
pphotoex: カワウ
pphotoex: カワウ
pphotoex: Papilio protenor
pphotoex: Phalacrocorax carbo
pphotoex: Teshima
pphotoex: Good Morning, ASIMO.
pphotoex: Balloons
pphotoex: カワウ
pphotoex: 熊野古道:馬越峠
pphotoex: 熊野古道:馬越峠
pphotoex: 光を纏う四季桜
pphotoex: Zelkova serrata