frailamerica: Mount Vernon from across the bowling green
frailamerica: Mount Vernon from the back
frailamerica: The Potomac river from Mount Vernon
frailamerica: The boating dock on the Potomac river
frailamerica: A path through the Mount Vernon orchards
frailamerica: A sheep at the Mount Vernon farm
frailamerica: The Potomac river from across Mount Vernon's garden
frailamerica: Washington's Original Tomb, the resting place of George Washington until his remains were moved in 1831
frailamerica: The outside of Washington's Tomb
frailamerica: The outside of Washington's Tomb
frailamerica: Plaque above Washington's Tomb ("Within this enclosure rest the remains of General George Washington")
frailamerica: Plaque inside Washington's Tomb ("I am the Resurrection and the Life; sayeth the Lord. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." John 11. 25.26)
frailamerica: George Washington's sarcophagus
frailamerica: George Washington's sarcophagus
frailamerica: Martha Washington's sarcophagus
frailamerica: Archway to the slave memorial
frailamerica: The Mount Vernon Slave Memorial