powerfocusfotografie: Wooow.... Is this all for me?
powerfocusfotografie: Mirror mirror on the wall....
powerfocusfotografie: In Omnia Paratus
powerfocusfotografie: Buizerd / Common Buzzard
powerfocusfotografie: Fitis / Willow Warbler / Mosquitero musical
powerfocusfotografie: After the bath: Sparrow Hawk
powerfocusfotografie: Black beauty
powerfocusfotografie: Where shall I begin......
powerfocusfotografie: Ready for take-off
powerfocusfotografie: Prelude to Easter
powerfocusfotografie: Waterlens: Droplet on Pigeon-feather
powerfocusfotografie: I don't have a fear of flying; I have a fear of crashing ~ B.B. Thornton
powerfocusfotografie: Feeding time....all day long
powerfocusfotografie: Prepared for all things
powerfocusfotografie: Our vanity is the constant enemy of our dignity ~ A.S. Swetchine
powerfocusfotografie: Is this all for me?
powerfocusfotografie: Bird Study (Explore Frontpage)
powerfocusfotografie: Okee guys...but this is mine
powerfocusfotografie: Lipstick On Your Collar ~ Connie Francis
powerfocusfotografie: Touch.... and go
powerfocusfotografie: Spring invites to sing....
powerfocusfotografie: You like me?....I like you....
powerfocusfotografie: Proud guy....It's not enough to flitter his eylids to impress her