Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Kelley Hunt & Friends at Powell Gardens on Saturday, September 3, 2016
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Kelley Hunt & Friends at Powell Gardens on Saturday, September 3, 2016
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Kelley Hunt & Friends at Powell Gardens on Saturday, September 3, 2016
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Kelley Hunt & Friends at Powell Gardens on Saturday, September 3, 2016
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Tabitha Schmidt introducing Kelley Hunt and Friends
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Crowds listen to Kelley Hunt on the peninsula.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Relaxing in the shade and waiting for the fireworks to begin.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Crowds enjoying the cool evening.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: The crowd winds all along the edge of the lake, waiting for fireworks.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Enjoying beautiful views from the peninsula.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Playing games and enjoying live blues music.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: It was a beautiful day to play outside!
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Enjoying Kelley Hunt's blues performance.