Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Mexican Plum flowers with a Red Admiral butterfly
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: The Hortulan Plum (Prunus hortulana) is very similar to Wildgoose Plum but flowering is a tad earlier and not in those bottlebrush-like wands.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: The Mexican plum usually does not sucker -- the sprawling old trunks make a magnificent living sculpture and this is one my most prized trees at Powell Gardens. --Alan Branhagen
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: This plum thicket is actually a sprawling tree 54 feet across. It's a Mexican Plum (Prunus mexicana) also called the 'big tree' plum.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Wildgoose Plum (Prunus munsoniana) in amazing bloom just past the gatehouse at Powell Gardens. Ahhh -- a wonderful scent and food source for a wealth of pollinators.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Wildgoose Plum flowers are along the stems creating an overall bottlebrush-like look.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Wildgoose Plum tree (we mow the suckers off in this setting)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Hortulan Plum flowers -- it also is leafing out more already and has characteristic gland tipped leaves.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: American Plum has the largest flowers that have the most heady fragrance! They are produced in showy little tufts.