Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: An upcoming Saturday demo with Barb the Gardener.....making wine, cider and malt vinegars at home. These are malt vinegars 'working'
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Fresh Bites: Spice Up Your Life with the Flavors of Mexico
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Seminole pumpkin on the grill
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: 20160820_140343-1_resized.jpg
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Mark Gawron and Barbara Fetchenhier
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Grace Radillo prepping for Fresh Bites
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Pico de Gallo prepared by Grace Radillo
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Sweet peppers stuffed with queso fresco
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden: Sweet peppers grown in the Heartland Harvest Garden