Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Fresh Bites: Taste of Spring at Powell Gardens, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. May 2, 2015
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Fresh Bites: Horsing Around with Horseradish, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. May 23, 2015, at Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
'Strawberry Cheesecake Freeze'
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Answering audience questions
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Chef Michelle plating her Summer Southwest Quinoa Salad
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Chef Michelle prepared a delicious Summer Southwest Quinoa Salad that included lots of produce from the Heartland Harvest Garden.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Great group for today's demo
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Barb the Gardener and volunteer George Bucey introducing Chef Michelle Wilkinson to the audience