Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
The 2015 show will feature Witte hit-and-miss engines. Photo by Terry Case.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Witte 4hp hit-and-miss engine 2
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Wes Storm and his 1951 John Deere R in the Parade of Power
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
1959 Mack B61T, owned by Robert Thomas II, at Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
1959 Mack B61T, owned by Robert Thomas II
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
1980 Mack R686ST owned by Robert Thomas II
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Wes Storm in the Parade of Power at Powell Gardens, Oct. 5, 2014