Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
David Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Jimmy Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Jimmy Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Eddie Osborne and Brenda Nelson, owners of Darn Good Food, LLC, sponsored the Missouri Barn Concert with Jimmy and David Nace.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Jimmy and David Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Jimmy and David Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Eddie Osborne (left)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Brenda Nelson
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Darn Good Food partners Eddie Osborne and Brenda Nelson sponsored the performance by Jimmy and David Nace
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Brenda Nelson, Darn Good Food, introduces Jimmy and David Nace. Brenda and her business partner Eddie Osborne sponsored the concert.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Jeff Porter performed an acoustic set at Powell Gardens on July 27 as part of the Missouri Barn Concert Series, sponsored by Darn Good Food.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Missouri Barn Concert by the Knobtown Stragglers 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 Grab a beverage at reFresh (located in the Missouri Barn) and enjoy some old time jug band, blues, rags and jazz songs from the 1920s and 1930s! The concert is included with admiss