Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig Jones
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig and Gay Jones, Owners of Savory Addictions Gourmet Nuts, gave a fantastic demo at Powell Gardens!
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones removes smoked corn from the Santa Maria Grill.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig and Gay Jones, Owners of Savory Addictions Gourmet Nuts
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig and Gay Jones at Santa Maria Grill
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig Jones offered tips for smoking corn.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Peppers and onions harvested from Powell Gardens' Heartland Harvest Garden--the nation's largest edible landscape
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones (right) and Callen Fairchild Zind plating bruschetta
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Plating the grilled bruschetta
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones puts the finishing touches on the Grilled Carrots with Soy Honey Ginger Glaze (recipe by Craig Jones)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones talks with audience members about smoking corn.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones shows audience members how beautiful the smoked corn is right off the grill!
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig and Gay Jones plating grilled skirt steaks with veggies
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig and Gay Jones, Owners of Savory Addictions Gourmet Nuts, with Powell Gardens' Horticulturist Matt Bunch in background
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig Jones and the Big Green Egg
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Bruschetta on the Grill (prepared by Craig Jones, Food Network Grill Mayor 2012)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Bruschetta on the Grill (prepared by Craig Jones, Food Network Grill Mayor 2012)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Bruschetta on the Grill (prepared by Craig Jones, Food Network Grill Mayor 2012)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Bruschetta on the Grill (prepared by Craig Jones, Food Network Grill Mayor 2012)
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
More than 75 people enjoyed Craig Jones' Garden Chef demo at Powell Gardens!
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Powell Gardens' open-air Missouri Barn
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig Jones' Garden Chef demo audience got a grilling lesson and lots of tasty samples.
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
sampling Craig Jones' delicious smoked corn salad
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
audience members enjoying Craig Jones' demo at Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
audience members enjoying Craig Jones' demo at Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Smoking corn for Craig Jones' Smoked Corn Salad recipe
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
audience members enjoying Craig Jones' demo at Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Craig Jones discussing the grills
Powell Gardens, Kansas City's botanical garden:
Gay Jones, Owner of Savory Addictions Gourmet Nuts