POV Docs:
Sean Farrell at the age of 4, as seen in filmmaker Arlyck's original black & white short "Sean," 1969.
POV Docs:
Sean Farrell at the age of 4, as seen in filmmaker Arlyck's original black & white short "Sean," standing in a doorway on Haight Street in San Francisco, CA, 1969.
POV Docs:
Sean and his Russian-born wife, Zhanna, being filmed by filmmaker Ralph Arlyck on Haight Street in San Francisco.
POV Docs:
Filmmaker Ralph Arlyck sitting in front of his Haight Ashbury apartment on Cole Street in 1969.
POV Docs:
Sean's grandfather, Archie Brown, a well-known San Francisco Bay Area communist, being thrown out of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings in San Francisco in 1960.
POV Docs:
Sean Farrell and his Russian-born wife Zhanna in front of a mural in San Francisco's Haight Ashbury.
POV Docs:
Sean Farrell and his Russian-born wife Zhanna in front of a mural in San Francisco's Haight Ashbury.