Poundstone: Baby Lawren
Poundstone: Me & the Cast of Sesame Street
Poundstone: Me & Lawren
Poundstone: Me at 3 years
Poundstone: Me & Lawren
Poundstone: Me at 20 months
Poundstone: Me at 3 Months
Poundstone: Me at 3 Weeks
Poundstone: Me at 3 Weeks
Poundstone: Me at 3 Weeks
Poundstone: Little Ben
Poundstone: Baby Ben
Poundstone: Baby Ben & Carolyn
Poundstone: Baby Ben
Poundstone: Mary Lee
Poundstone: Mary Lee
Poundstone: Mary Lee (Mom)
Poundstone: Richard
Poundstone: Lois Jean
Poundstone: Lois Jean
Poundstone: Grandma & Grandpa Mac
Poundstone: Grandma & Grandpa Mac
Poundstone: Footwear
Poundstone: Great Grandma & Grandpa McPherson
Poundstone: Great Grandma & Grandpa Bosserman
Poundstone: Rosalee & Maxie
Poundstone: Lawrence, Maxie & Rosalee
Poundstone: Maxie & friend
Poundstone: Rosalee, Maxie & Lawrence
Poundstone: Rosa Dona Crites