Poundstone: 2007 Craft Summit (Sky over Cannon Beach)
Poundstone: Christina's popovers
Poundstone: View from our deck
Poundstone: Deck Railing
Poundstone: Many shingles
Poundstone: Sweet Little Pinecones
Poundstone: Meredith Tracing
Poundstone: Laurie sewing her quilt
Poundstone: Laura's Burner
Poundstone: Christina Assessing Fabric Combos
Poundstone: Meredith's Embroidery Paraphranelia
Poundstone: Laurie's Quilt
Poundstone: Shiny, shiny thread
Poundstone: Shannon's Sewing Machine
Poundstone: Shannon's Little Ironing Board
Poundstone: Caroline Watches
Poundstone: Shannon in the Sky Chair
Poundstone: Knitting Lessons 1
Poundstone: Knitting Lessons 2
Poundstone: Shannon sewing her drapes
Poundstone: At the machine...
Poundstone: Crazy, Crazy Lamp
Poundstone: Caroline Asleep
Poundstone: Spoons for Oatmeal
Poundstone: Caroline's Triumph
Poundstone: Christina in front, Caroline in back
Poundstone: Snow on the Pine Trees