Poundstone: Broken Plastic Snowflake
Poundstone: Oregon Artificial Limb Co.
Poundstone: Ozone Cigarette/Garbage Can
Poundstone: Gold Heart Window
Poundstone: Ozone Closed
Poundstone: From the Burnside Bridge
Poundstone: Stairs to Esplanade
Poundstone: Waiting for the Bridge to Go Back Down
Poundstone: Flower
Poundstone: Classic Portland Landmarks
Poundstone: Municipal Sewage Pumping Plant
Poundstone: "You two found the best spot in the city!" he said.
Poundstone: Squares of Light on Water
Poundstone: Water Shadow
Poundstone: Closeup Pole
Poundstone: Burnside Bridge Structures
Poundstone: Pole Thingies
Poundstone: Esplanade View
Poundstone: Purple Flowers
Poundstone: Snowflake-ish Flower
Poundstone: Sign at top of Esplanade Steps
Poundstone: Guardian Creature Angel of the Burnside Bridge
Poundstone: City View
Poundstone: Brick Teeth
Poundstone: Graffitti Cover Up
Poundstone: Car Lot Balloons 1
Poundstone: Car Lot Balloons 2
Poundstone: Incidental Artwork
Poundstone: I Like His Shirt